Building Out the Content Collection Document

Building the Content Collection Document


  1. Use the club’s signup email (Search your email for from:[email protected]) to determine if the club is undergoing a redesign or this is a new website and open Content Collection - New. This document can be found in [CLUB FOLDER] > Internal.
  2. Note: Most of this document assumes you are working on a new site, not a redesign. Many of the steps will be the same, except redesigns often reuse existing content.
  3. Move the appropriate document out to the club folder by right-clicking it and selecting Move to...
  4. Change the document name to “[CLUB NAME] - Content Collection”
  5. Change “Club Name” in the title to the club’s name. Remove the highlight color.
  6. In a new tab, open the club’s approved sitemap, which can be found in the club’s folder on Google Drive. You will be recreating its structure through the content collection doc. Each club’s content collection will look a bit different, so the directions below should be considered general guidelines. The goal of this process is to create a document for the club to put all of their content in one place in an easy to follow format. That being said, it may be helpful to think of each table/heading in the content collection as a standalone piece that can be moved, copied, adjusted, or deleted to fit the site’s layout.

General Content (New Sites Only)

At the beginning of the content collection document, please link the Approved Sitemap, as well as the shared Dropbox folder.

Below the top section, you’ll see a list of Questionnaires and Worksheets. Using the club’s signup form and PWF, determine which questionnaires and worksheets will pertain to their build. Open the [CLUB FOLDER] > Internal, find the corresponding documents, and rename each as “[CLUB NAME] - Document Title.” Move each of the relevant documents out of Internal into the main [CLUB FOLDER]. Copy the shared link, and add to the corresponding line item in the Content Collection Document.

At the beginning of the content collection there are several sections that concern general club content that is not specific to any area of the website. These include Libraries/Archives, Image Albums, and so on.

The first two sections, Libraries/Archives and Image Albums, contain highlighted text that states how many files and images we will load for the club. The amount of files and images we will load is stated in the signup form under the Services Sold heading. Replace the highlighted numbers with the numbers outlined in the signup form.

Redesigns will have a section titled Temporary Homepage. This is filled with generic text by default and can be left alone.


In the club’s approved sitemap, the homepage section is usually the first column on the public side. There will be notes that indicate if the homepage is using a slideshow, featured images, or call-outs. Copy or delete rows in the content collection’s Photography table to match the number of slides, featured images, and call-outs on the sitemap. If the number of slides or call-outs is not specified in the sitemap, then leave the existing rows and move on.

Note: The Size column can be ignored for now, since the image sizes will need to come from design.

Public Side


Both the public and private sections of the content collection doc contain many placeholder titles. For example, the Banner Photos table lists the sections as Public Section 1, Public Section 2, and so on. For now your only concern should be the number of sections. Copy or delete rows in the banner photos table to match the number of public sections, including secondary navigation sections (light blue in the sitemap) and custom section pages (gold/yellow in the sitemap). Added primary sections should be follow the naming scheme “Public Section #”, while secondary nav sections and custom pages can be titled the name of the actual page. We will update the public section titles later.

Note: Some sites will have a unique banner for every page, instead of having a banner for each section. In these cases you would create a row for each page and enter the page names in the Section column.

Note: The Size column can be ignored for now, since the image sizes will need to come from design.


Now do the same for the sections themselves. Each section begins with a green banner. If you add more sections, update the section numbers. If you need to insert a custom section page, the template can be found at the end of the public section of the content collection (using a gold/yellow banner). If you need to insert a secondary nav section, the template can be found in the first private section (using a light blue banner). Use the same titles as you did for the banner images. Note: Tables belonging to secondary section pages or custom pages should always be indented, so they can be differentiated from primary section content.

Note: Given the nature of custom pages, the tables below them will change on a case by case basis. Check the sitemap for any information on what will appear on the custom pages, or look at any available mockups. Secondary section pages usually have an overview, highlights, buttons, and call-outs, so the master template can generally be copied with few adjustments.

Now you can rename the public sections using find and replace.

  1. Start by pressing Control+F/Command+F and clicking the … button.
  2. Enter “Public Section 1” in the Find field.
  3. Enter the first public section’s name in the Replace with field.
  4. Click Replace All.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each section.
Section Content

After building out the sections, you will need to adjust the tables within each section to match the sitemap. The first three tables, Overview, Buttons, and Text Side Call-out can generally remain untouched for the public sections. Below those is the start of the secondary navigation pages. Each heading should correspond to a white cell with bold text in the sitemap. The next page or so contains guidelines for how to set up the remaining pages in the section. Note: For redesigns, the club may want to keep a majority of the existing content. If this is the case, then put links to existing pages in their respective boxes in the content collection (still use red text). Check with the PM first to confirm that the club will be reusing existing content.

You won’t always know for sure which type of content each page will be, but the content collection can always be adjusted later. The template content collection is setup to match most common site layouts. Most pages can be setup as a library document, however file library lists are commonly used as well. Many public sections end with a personnel page, photo gallery, and request info form. Here are some guidelines on how to represent these in the content collection:

Library Documents

In the content collection, we use a heading and a simple 1 cell table (All of of those boxes with the heading Public Section # Navigation) for library documents. For pages that will most likely be library documents, change the heading to match the sitemap and leave the box. Copy or delete the remaining boxes if there are more or less library documents in the sitemap.

File Library Lists

Pages with titles like “Newsletters”, “Board Minutes”, “Menus”, or “Golf Results” should be set up as file library lists. To show these in the content collection, copy the Newsletters/Meeting Minutes/Menus/etc. part from the top of the content collection (before Homepage) and paste it into the section you are working on. Update the heading to match the sitemap and change the word “newsletter” to whatever files will be listed on the page.

Club Personnel Pages

Pages with titles like “Club Staff”, “Meet the Trainers”, and “Meet Club Management” should be set up as club personnel pages. To represent this in the content collection, copy the Club Personnel heading and link at the top of the content collection (before Homepage) and paste it into the section you are working on. Change the heading to match the sitemap and include a note below it like: This page will display all club personnel in the “Fitness” department.

For a general club staff page (usually found in an About section), you should display all staff and therefore include the note: This page will display all club personnel in the system.

Photo Galleries

Pages with titles like “Photo Gallery” or “Golf Photos” should be set up as image album lists. To represent this in the content collection, enter the page heading with a note like:
This page will display all available active photo albums in the “Golf” group. Albums/images count towards the limits mentioned above.

For a general photo gallery page (usually found in an About section), you should display all albums and therefore include the note:
This page will display all available active photo albums in the system. Albums/images count towards the limits mentioned above.

Request Information / Marketing Request Forms

Most public sections will have a Request Information page. The template content collection already has one of these at the end of each section by default. The heading uses the section name, so it should already be correct. If the sitemap does not have a request info page, then delete this part.

Note: Although the sitemap may just shows “Request Information”, we typically include the section name in the content collection anyway. The form itself will include the section name in the title, but the navigation will not.

Private Side

General Content & Structure

The Photography table follows the same format as the public side’s Banner Photos table. The overall structure of each section can also be created using the steps you used when creating the public side’s structures. The first two new sections, Member Activities & Interests and Announcements do not normally change, so they can be left as is. The major difference between the public side and private side comes in the section content portion.

Section Content

The process for filling out the section content is similar to the public side, but each section will begin with some tables for inserts.