How to Create Your Apple Developer Account
Apple requires each of our clients to have their own Apple Developer Account and to grant MembersFirst permission to administer, develop for, and push applications on their behalf, in order to build a Mobile App in their ecosystem. The process to sign up for an account requires an employee from the club create a club-owned account, enable Two Factor Authentication through a club-owned Apple device, and grant administrative access to the MembersFirst team in order to serve an app to your members. In order to apply for an Apple Account you should be comfortable providing Apple:
An Apple Developer account costs $99.00 USD annually and must be maintained to ensure any mobile apps that are developed under the account remain active in the Apple App Store. Your responsibility as the owner of the Apple ID is to make sure that the annual fee is paid directly to Apple every year and that any license agreements or updates to Apple's Terms of Service are agreed upon by the account holder. Please be sure that the email address you use to set-up the account is one that's monitored as there will be some information related to the health of your account that you will need to respond to. Delinquency in response or payment to Apple can result in your app being removed from the App Store. |
Two Factor Authentication |
As of March 2019, Apple now requires that every new Apple ID have Two Factor Authentication enabled in order to create an account that can support an app. This means that the club will be responsible for having an Apple Device on-premise in order to fully set-up their Apple ID. For many clubs, this is already happening in the Pro Shop or Events departments as they tend to be mobile-friendly first, however, if you do not have a club-owned Apple device available, one will need to be purchased to complete the Apple ID set-up. For more information on what Two Factor Authentication is, and how to enable it on your Apple ID, click here. |
Apple ID |
Start the process of creating an Apple ID. MembersFirst STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that any account you create is not tied to a single employee at the club, but rather an alias as it is very difficult to transfer ownership of the app from a single person's account to another if that person leaves the club. We recommend one of the following aliases: Apple will ask for the following information:
Once you've successfully created your Apple ID, and have enabled Two Factor Authentication, you are ready to begin enrollment in the Apple Developer Program. |
Apple Developer Program |
Apple Developer Account |
Post-Mobile App Launch |
Following the launch of your mobile app with MembersFirst, please keep a close eye on your email address that is registered to your Apple accounts. Apple updates their agreements and conditions quite frequently and these need to be approved by the account holder. MembersFirst can not accept these agreements on behalf of the client. If these emails and updated agreements are not reacted to, we run the risk of Apple removing the mobile app from the App Store, or preventing scheduled updates to be released. |