How to Create a Guest Category

To create a Guest Category, hover over Accounts in primary navigation and select Guest Categories from the drop down list.
Click on the Create button.

Add a Category Name and apply a Category Color. The category color enables admins to quickly know what type of category a guest is on the admin tee sheet, as the guest name will appear in this chosen color. Product Code field is not required.

If applicable to this guest type, check off Allowed in Lotteries, which will allow guests in this category to play in events. If you would like to allow members to create a guest in this guest category, check off Members can create Guests in this Category. Doing so will add the Guest Category to the Guest Type drop down on the member tee sheet. Hide Guest From Member Search will remove any guest profile created in this guest type from the member's guest list. This option prevents members from adding these guests to their tee time. Click on the Submit button to finalize.
