March 2019 Release Notes

What's New or Enhanced:

Administrative Users - Password Reset

When logging into the member side and their password needs to be changed, they will be redirected to change their password and then redirected back to member side upon successful change. Previously the admin user would get prompted to change their password upon login to the admin side directly.

Bulk Email

Two new enhancements - Emails will no longer be sent to deactivated club personal.   And a Spam Count added to Sent Messages (under Detail View).

Club Calendar,  Event Registration & Guest Directory

  • New setting to make event registrations flagged as Admin Only for a specific event.

  • New ability to attach a survey to the reservation confirmation process. Survey can be automatically directed to, or added as a link to the confirmation page.

  • Improved time validation added to the start time/end time fields.

  • Printable Cancellations Report.

  • Batch Edit - ability to bulk remove nav section from many calendar items.

  • New ability to activate/deactivate guests from the list view (Guest Directory).

Content Security

There is a new ability to validate security settings on content with restrictions (Files, Library Documents, Announcements). A typeahead field was added to the restrictions tab that allows the admin to search for a member and verify whether or not the member has access to that page.   This feature is available for Files (File Library), Documents, Inserts, Announcements, and Marketing Forms.

Message Board

On private message board responses, the ability to attach an image has been added. Previously the user could attach an image to the original post but not on responses.

Site Navigation Lite

New checkbox for Show Inactive has been added that will display navigation items that are inactive.



Additional tracking has been added for who created / edited the survey response (admin vs member).  Plus, survey exports will also include the Status field.

MembersFirst Learning Center Updates:

Webinar Recordings