Junior/Summer Program Registration Training Guide" /> MembersFirst Learning Center <i class="fa fa-video"></i> Junior/Summer Program Registration Training Guide

Junior/Summer Program Registration Training Guide

How to Edit Existing Programs/Session

You may need to edit the Program Name or Program Description.
Log into the Admin homepage. site-nav-lite_100
Go to Applications>>Programs>>Programs Maintenance. jr-programs_01
Click Show All and click on the Program you need to edit. jr-programs_02
Under the General tab, make the requested changes and then click Save at the top of the page. jr-programs_31
You may need to edit the Session Details (Session Description, Period [Session Start Date & Session End Date], & Member Cost). In the list of Programs, click the link for Sessions in the right column. jr-programs_04
Once in the Session list, click on the Name of the session you would like to edit. jr-programs_05
You may need to edit the Session Details (Session Description, Period [Session Start Date & Session End Date], & Member Cost). In the list of Programs, click the link for Sessions in the right column. jr-programs_04
The following fields are editable:
  1. Session Description: this is what the member/admin will see on the list of available sessions.
  2. Access Type: Private Only (members), Public Only (non-members) or Both.
  3. Type of Sessions: Fixed Period, Recurring Period, or Single Event.
  4. Session Start Date
  5. Session End Date
  6. Meeting Description: The member will see this in the details when looking at the list of options.
  7. Meeting Recurrance Type: Custom, Daily, Single Occurence, and Weekly
  8. Session Start/End Times
  9. Billing Type: The most common is Charge to Account.
  10. Member Cost: Price per session for the members.
  11. Non-Member Cost: If non-members can book and have a different price, it goes here.
Once the details are sent in the General tab, click Save.
The Registrations tab controls when if Registration is required, and if so, when Registration opens, closes, the maximum number of participants, which Disclaimer the club wants to use, who can be signing up for programs (Members signing up their children is the most common), and which Field Template (registration information form) you want to require members to fill out. When you are finished making changes, click Save at the top of the screen. jr-programs_07

How to Add a New Session to an Existing Program

Follow these steps (you'll be filling in the information reviewed above in the Sessions area).

  1. Go to Programs Maintenance. Next to the Program you need to add a Session to, click on the Sessions link to the far right.
  2. Click New at the top of the page.
  3. Fill in the following fields:
    1. Session Desc.: Week # (or other name according to your organization of programs).
    2. Session Period Type: Fixed Period
    3. Session Start Date
    4. Session End Date
    5. Session Meeting Recurrence Type: Custom
    6. Session Access Type: Private Only
    7. Session Billing Type: Charge to Account
    8. Click Create.
Under the General tab, fill our these additional fields:
  1. Meeting Description: Days of the week and times
    (i.e. M | Tu | W 2-4 pm)
  2. Session Start Time
  3. Session End Time
  4. Member Cost
  5. Click Save.
Under the Registrations tab, fill out these fields:
  1. Check Registration Required.
  2. Reg. Period Start Date & Time (optional)
  3. Reg. Period End Date & Time (optional)
  4. Maximum Headcount (how many participants the session can accomodate)
  5. Disclaimer
  6. Check the box next to Register Related Members?
  7. Select a Field Template - this is the registration form that will be filled ou twith the participant's information.
Click Save at the top once the information is filled in.

Adding a New Program
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On the Admin homepage, go to Programs>>Programs Maintenance.
  2. Click on the New button at the top of the page.
  3. Fill out these fields:
    1. Program Name
    2. Check off Program Active?
    3. Program Group
    4. Program Type
    5. Access Type: Private Only
    6. Click Create
Under the General tab, enter the Program Short Description. This is the description that will appear on the first page of the registration process. jr-programs_12
Under the Registrations tab, fill out these fields:
  1. Check off Registrations
  2. Registration Group: where this program should be sorted (2025 Junior Programs in this example).
  3. Show Registrations? is an optional field. If checked, this will place a link next to each session so that members may see who else is signed up for that particular session.
  4. Click Save at the top of the page.

Creating a Registration as an Admin for a Member

  1. On the Admin homepage, go to Programs Registration.
  2. Click on New at the top of the page.
  3. Fill out the following fields:
    1. Program Registration Group
    2. Booking Member (Parent)
    3. Participant (Child)
    4. Program
    5. Check the box next to the Session(s) the child wants to attend.
    6. Click Create.
In the next screen, fill in the Form fields by clicking Edit next to the Form's title. Select the choices and click Save at the bottom. You have the option of sending a Registration Email to the member by clicking the link for Send Registration Email at the top of the fields. jr-programs_17
You can Edit, Cancel or Add to an existing Registration by going into the Registrations area and using the Search fields to find an existing Registration and change it as needed. jr-programs_18.png

Running Registration Reports

On the Admin homepage, go to Programs>>Related>>Programs Registrations Export. Use the Search Filters to pull the information you need.

  1. Program
  2. Program Session (if you only need one sessions' worth of registrations).
  3. Session Start Date (optional)
  4. Booking Member (optional - if looking for the full list of the session, set to All Members.)
  5. Statuses (optional based on what type of list you are looking for).
  6. Click Select Registrations to run the report.
The screen will refresh and a new column will appear to the right. It will indcated how many registrations are attached to the criteria selected. Select the criteria for the report and click Export Regitrations. It will download a report and ask you where to save it on your hard drive or server as an Excel spreadsheet. jr-programs_20.png
While these instructions cover the basics of Programs Setup and Registratons on the Admin side, there will be additional articles related to forms, contact information and disclaimers. Watch this space for additional resources coming soon!