October 2023 Release | Dining, File Library, and More

What's new?


Dining Reservations

Improvements to Reservation Creation for Admins

When creating dining reservations on behalf of members on the admin side, the data entry fields have been reorganized for ease of use. The "Member" field for searching and selecting members has been moved to the top position, allowing you to enter that information before moving on to the other reservation details.




In addition, switching venues midway through filling out reservation details will no longer refresh the page, which previously led to losing other information already entered. You can now freely swap the value of any field and all other information is retained while you refine the details.


View Available Dining Headcount at a Glance

While creating reservations, admins now have increased visibility into how many dining headcount slots are available with the addition of a headcount indicator next to each time. This will allow you to easily inform members what times their group will fit into and what times are less busy. 



See Dining Reservations That Are in Progress

When viewing the list of dining reservations from the admin interface, reservations that are in progress of being booked will now display with a status of "Hold". This provides visibility for times that are locked by members who haven't finalized their reservations. 




 Members Can Add People to "Unnamed Member" Slots

When a member has a reservation with "Unnamed Member" slots to hold spaces for other members, they can now modify their reservation and edit the "Unnamed Member" by searching for members to replace it with. This gives members more control over their reservation and the ability to perform a task that previously required administrator assistance. 



Let Members Know When They're Unable to Modify or Cancel a Reservation

When a reservation time gets closer and members are restricted from modifying or cancelling based on rules established in the Meal Period settings, they will now see a message on their reservation page to avoid confusion about any options that aren't available. 



Subfolders in File Library

Files stored in your File Library can now be organized at an additional level with subfolders. When creating a new folder, an optional "Subfolder Of" selection now exists. When you select a parent folder, the folder being created will be nested inside of it when viewing the folders in File Library or when linking to files while creating content elsewhere in the system.


Note: If you'd like to use this as an opportunity to reorganize your files, keep in mind you have the ability to bulk move files from one folder to another. To do so, enter the folder containing the files to be moved, select your files and their destination folder, and click "Move Selected Files". 



Easier Configuration for File Download/View Navigation Links

It's now easier to share files with your preferred method when linking to them from the Site Navigation Lite module. The two options have been split out and relabeled to "File Download" and "File View" so you can know which to choose based on your preference.



Send EBuilder Test Emails When Drafting Messages

While creating an email draft with the EBuilder, you can now send a quick test email to up to five recipients. This functionality was previously added when building EBuilder Templates in the Template Maintenance module but is now also available in the New Message module.


View Cancelled Event Registrations

By selecting the new "View Cancelled" checkbox in the Event Registrations module, you can now view the list of cancelled registrations for an event.



Option to Receive Automated Message Results When No Messages Were Sent

As an administrator, you can be sent a summary of results for Automated Recurring Message to see how many are being sent to members. Previously, on days when no message went out, results emails would still be sent to admins. Now, by default, admins won't receive a summary when the results are empty. However, there's a new checkbox for Automated Recurring Messages that can be selected if you'd still like to receive results in this case.


All features are available today. For more information, please reach out to your Client Services Manager.