How to Batch Import Member Images from Jonas Club Management (JCM)

These instructions assume your Club uses Jonas Club Management (JCM). This article explains how to find your member images in JCM, download those files and then upload them into MembersFirst's MRM and assigning them to member profiles.

Open Jonas Club Management (JCM) and navigate to:

Club Management > Member File > Setup/Edit Members

Open a member profile and click the file folder icon next to the photo field:  img

Note the path to the folder of all the member images

In this example, the path is:



Open file explorer and navigate to that path.

Make sure the names of the image files are the same as the member number they are getting applied to

  • Instructions for uploading multiple photos and assigning to member profile 

NOTE: Image files MUST be named exactly the same as the member number. For example: member #1234's profile picture should be named 1234.jpg or 1234.png…etc.