How to Manually Add a New Member to the Member Directory

Information on individual members is maintained in the Member Directory. The Member Directory function gives administrators complete add, change, and delete capabilities to update the member roster.

Log into Admin Home on your web site.
Click on Membership in the Applications box, then click on Member Directory.
Click New at the top of the page.
Enter a Member Number.
Enter a First Name and Last Name for this Member.
Note: The other fields are optional detail fields that you can either include during this step or fill in any time afterwards.
Click Create Now.
Note: The member now exists in the Member Directory. Depending on your club site configuration, the default password for member login may vary. If you would like, you can always change this password to a new one to share with the member. You can also select Force Password Change at next Login, so the member still has an opportunity to create his/her own password.
Click Save to finalize your work.