March 2022 Product Highlight - Block Non-Postable Round, Handicap Index, Quick Cancel

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GolfHITS Non-Postable Rounds

* This feature requires the GolfHITS integration. 

Clubs that integrate with GolfHITS can now send 'Non-Postable' rounds to GolfHITS. In phase one of this project, it is currently available only on the block level, but will be expanded to individual tee times outside of blocks.

To mark tee times as non-postable, check off Scores are non-postable setting on the Event/Lottery tab of the block set up. 


With this block setting in place, all rounds associated with this block will be sent to GolfHITS with a non-postable flag.

This setting is activated and ready for use for any club with a current GolfHITS integration.

Display Handicap Index on Member Tee Sheet

A member's handicap index can now be displayed next to their name on the member tee sheet.


Please contact [email protected] to active this setting. Once activated, members must go into Member Preferences on the member tee sheet


and share their GHIN Index


Quick Cancel from Reservation Detail Page

Admins can now delete an existing group from the Reservation Detail Page using the Cancel Reservation button.


Don't forget that this same functionality also exist as one of the quick action buttons next to the tee time on the tee sheet too. 


This product update was motivated by your feedback and we're excited to provide it to you in the latest version of MembersFirst Tee Times. Have a recommendation for another feature enhancement? We'd love to hear from you!

Tee Times Enhancement Request

Thank you for the feedback!