MembersFirst Tee Times JCM Integration Requirements

Network Requirements

MembersFirst Tee Times requires a network port opened to inbound traffic and forwarded to the computer(s) that will be running JCM. The ports can be selected in any fashion that your network administrator sees fit. Please pass the numbers and the terminals they are associated with to [email protected]. Each JCM workstation that will be accepting tee time transactions requires it’s own port. Each JCM workstation should also be assigned and IP address and not rely on DHCP for its networking. Computers with DHCP settings can change and if this happens, Inbound Traffic may not reach the JCM workstation.

Inbound traffic will be sent from

Please allow TCP traffic from this IP address to your workstation on both your Network Firewall and Windows Firewall (if applicable).

Listener Application Installation

MembersFirst Tee Times requires an intermediary application installed on each JCM workstation to accept incoming transactions and pass them to JCM for processing.

The application is compatible with Windows 7, 8 & 10 but requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

The application is available for download at:

You can extract the application to C:\MembersFirst and run the application from there.

Listener Application Settings

In the application, select the “File” menu and then “Settings” and enter the required information.

Jonas Port #: This is the local port number that inbound transactions will be forwarded to.

Jonas PVX Path: This is the directory that contains the providex launcher program “Sbbwin.exe”. You can usually locate this by looking at the desktop shortcuts to JCM.

Jonas INI Path: This is the location of the Jonas.INI file. It is often located in C:\Windows\Jonas.ini but varies based on specific installs. You can usually locate this by looking at the desktop shortcuts to JCM.

Jonas Working Path: This is the directory that ProvideX will look for the initialization programs and create temporary files in. This is often C:\GJCWIN\DATA but varies based on specific installs. You can usually locate this by looking at the desktop shortcuts to JCM.

Jonas App Name: GJC00;POS_LAUNCH

Local Save Path: Please select a local directory that the listener application may use to store temporary data.

Jonas Argument: This will change based on your setup. It will be “MEMBERSFIRST” (without quotes) followed by the local save path you selected and the filename xmlData.xml. Example: If you selected C:\temp as your local save path. Your Jonas Argument is: MEMBERSFIRST C:\temp\xmlData.xml

Jonas User & Jonas Password: If you would like the application to automatically log in to the JCM application as a specific user you may enter their login credentials in these 2 fields.

Please ignore the fields: Enable Post Back, Club ID, Club Password, Jonas Log Path, Post Back URL.

Once you have completed and saved the required settings you can select “File” -> “Start Service”.

Post Installation

For first time setups, please email the following information to [email protected]:

  • Public WAN IP
  • Terminal Information for each Listener 
    • Computer Name (i.e. front counter, bagroom, etc.)
    • Port #
    • Public IP Address

Common Troubleshooting Tips and Suggestions


  • Each machine the Listener is installed on must have a Static IP address set
  • If Windows Firewall is Enabled, please make sure it will also allow traffic on the specified port used by the Listener
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher must be installed
  • Network Firewalls must have a Port Forwarding rule as outlined in documentation


  • Verify specified port is listening using powershell, or external tools
  • Verify Listener configuration is correct per documentation and the appropriate Jonas User Name and Password are specified
  • Verify the un-zipped Listener application file lives on the C drive (or somewhere else) and a "shortcut" pasted to the desktop. If the .exe is on the desktop, there will be no path back to the other files in that folder, such as the .config
  • Verify any Group Policies are not affecting the logged in users ability to write to C:\Temp nor denying access to the mapped drive used for Jonas
  • If an error occurs when starting the Listener, be sure to check if your computer has Windows Firewall running.
  • If Windows Firewall is turned ON, an application exception and/or Inbound Traffic Rule may need to be created to allow traffic through the port specified during configuration
  • Be sure to allow the same traffic through your network firewall