May 2019 Release Notes
What's New or Enhanced:
Dining Reservations
We have received a lot of great feedback from our clients currently using the New Dining Reservations module (Thank you!). Based on that feedback, MembersFirst has made several enhancements as detailed below:
Reservation Admin
- A new setting to default the Reservations Admin page to Today's date.
- Ability to filter reservations by meal period.
- New venue totals section (displays total reservations/head count)
- Ability for administrator to change a venue of an existing reservation. The Change Date/Time option is now Change Venue/Date/Time (note screenshot below).
- Changing venues will force administrator to select a valid time along with any custom field(s) setup. Such changes will result in the custom field values being cleared as they are no longer valid options. The Audit Trail will show the previous values.
- When changing the venue, the admin will be prompted to save the reservation immediately.
Meal Periods
- The ability to copy a Meal Period and make it Admin Only. This will allow the administrator to quickly shut down dining reservations for a specific date/time for a venue.
- A new setting to control the text when there are no times available in the Meal Period for a given facility, date and time.
Dining Summary
- From the Dining Reservations page, clicking on the Summary link in the top navigation will display the Dining Dashboard. The dashboard below lists the Dining Venues and corresponding Meal Periods based on the date. Administrators can search by Venue, Date and Meal Period (Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, etc). The default view will provide high level details. Clicking on the Details link next to the venue will display additional charts and meal period data specific to that selected venue.
Bookings Module
- Search Open Reservations page to allow for improved dynamic selection of resources and sessions. As the user toggles between resources and session types, the UI will update with appropriate values based on the current setup.
Event Registration & Calendar
- Performance improvements were made to speed up load time for section page calendars.